Sabtu, 25 September 2010

Internet Download Manager 6.02 Build 3 Beta- [New]

Internet Download Manager 6.02 Build 3 Beta- [New] | 7 Mb

Internet Download Manager can accelerate downloads a system with intelligent data support features split packets, and multipart downloading technology to share data safely improve download speed. Unlike other download accelerators and managers that segment files before downloading starts, Internet Download Manager automatically broken during download process. Internet Download Manager has the ability to connect many times without constantly through the steps are added in order to achieve better acceleration performance.

Internet Download Manager supports proxy servers, ftp and http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, directories with authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video, and a large number of formats in the list. IDM integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular browsers to automatically handle load your data. You can also drag and drop files, or use Internet Download Manager from command line. Internet Download Manager can dial your modem at a set time, download the files you want, disconnect, or shut down your computer when done.

link :

Jumat, 10 September 2010

Hebe Tian - To Hebe 2010

Released date : Sept 03, 2010.

Hebe (田馥甄) - To Hebe
Mandarin, Taiwan.

Track list :
01. Love ?
02. To Hebe
03. 離島
04. 沒有管理員的公寓
05. 我對不起我
06. 我想我不會愛你
07. 寂寞寂寞就好
08. 你太猖狂
09. 超級瑪麗
10. 給小孩
11. Love !

Link download:

Jeff Chang - The Album 2010

Jeff Chang - 2010 New album
張信哲 - 2010年全新專輯 (當時)
Mandarin. Taiwan.

Track list :
01. 愛不危險02. 空位
03. 冷太陽
04. 幸福的力量 (feat. Olivia Ong)
05. 好像愛情
06. 別說
07. 當時
08. 傷悲的嗜好09. 我看見10. 最初

Link download :

Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

Multiple Sign In Windows Live Messenger

  1. Run Registry Editor (regedit).
  2. Navigate to the following registry key:

    KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Live\Messenge

    For 64-bit (x64) OS, go to following registry branch instead:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Live\Messenger

  3. In the right pane, right click on any blank space, select New on context menu, and then click on DWORD (32-bit) Value.
  4. Name the new registry value entry as MultipleInstances.
  5. Modify the MultipleInstances and set its value data as 1.
  6. Start as many Windows Live Messenger windows as you want from Start Menu.

Download Google Chrome Teranyar (Offline Installer)

#1: buka blog google chrome untuk melihat versi terbaru, ambil yang STABLE (scroll ke bawah)
#2. Akan muncul halaman seperti ini

!Perhatikan 6 (enam) angka terakhir "375.125", catet...

#3. Copas link ini ke address-bar browser (jangan di-enter dulu!)
!Ganti dengan 6 (enam) angka terakhir dari blog google chrome di atas.

#4. Tekan enter untuk mulai donlot, ato copas ke donlot manager.
& Selamat menikmati browser tercepat versi terbaru! &

Senin, 28 Juni 2010

HD Tune Pro 4.50

HD Tune Pro 4.50 - software gratis, serial number, crack, key,  terlengkap

DOWNLOAD HD Tune Pro 4.50

HD Tune Pro is an extended version of HD Tune which includes many new features such as: write benchmark, secure erasing, AAM setting, folder usage view, disk monitor, command line parameters and file benchmark.

HD Tune Pro is a hard disk utility which has the following functions:
» Benchmark: measures the low-level performance (read/write)
» File Benchmark: measures the file performance (read/write)
» Info: shows detailed information
» Health: checks the health status by using SMART
» Error Scan: scans the surface for errors
» Erase: securely erases all data from the disk
» Disk Monitor: monitors disk access
» Folder View: shows disk space usage for each folder
» AAM: reduces noise or increases seek performance
» Temperature display

What's new
* Added option to monitor health status during tests
* Fixed display issue with high DPI font settings

Supported operating systems: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.

Hardware requirements: hard disk (internal or external), SDD, USB stick, memory card reader.
Note: due to hardware limitations some drives may not support all functions.

Senin, 07 Juni 2010

Mengatasi masalah “Windows could not start because the following files is missing or corrupt\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM”

Saya pernah mengalami hal ini beberapa kali , ketika akan menghidupkan kembal komputer tetapi tidak bisa masuk ke windows dan mendapatkan pesan seperti berikut di bawah :

setelah melihat pesan diatas jangan panik dulu, apa lagi langsung menginstall ulang windows kamu.

sebenernya untuk menormalkan lagi cukup mudah, agar bisa masuk ke windows lagi .

ikuti langkah2 berikut ini :

1. siapkan cd windows kamu, lalu set booting dari cd room

2. pada saat muncul opsi R=repair pertama, tekan R .

3. Tunggu beberapa saat lalu , biasanya aman di minta konfirmasi di drive mana windows terlinstall

biasanya di c , pilih #1 lalu tekan enter2 saja untuk password administrasi

- lalu ketik cd \windows\system32\config

- lalu ketik copy \windows\repair\system

- lalu copy \windows\repair\software

- keluarkan CD windows kamu dan ketik exit lalu restart PC .

pasti kamu sudah bisa lagi masuk kedalam windows secara normal.

Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

iTunes Store 9.0 Free US Account

Feature iTunes store hanya tersedia bagi beberapa negara. Jika negara mu tidak terfasilitasi dengan iTunes store ini, maka anda tidak akan dapat mengambil album art maupun lagu-lagu gratisan per minggunya dari iTunes store.

Tenang.. Tenang.. Anda masih dapat membuat sebuah akun iTunes dengan langkah berikut tanpa memandang di negara bagian mana anda berada. Terlebih lagi anda tidak perlu keluar uang sepeser pun maupun mendaftarkan kartu kredit manapun untuk mendapatkan akun ini. More after the break.

Terlebih dahulu saya jelaskan, untuk akun iTunes Indonesia belum dapat mengakses iTunes Music Store. Hal ini sangat merugikan soalnya di iTunes Music Store tiap hari maupun musimnya biasa diadakan Free Downloadable iTunes Music. Solusinya adalah untuk membuat akun iTunes US. Berikut langkah singkatnya.

  1. Pada iTunes Store, berlokasikan bawah-kanan, Anda akan temukan logo bendera seperti berikut. Klik logo tersebut kemudian pada pemilihan negara, pilihlah United States.
  2. Kemudian alihkan ke halaman AppStore > Free Apps (right-side bar) > See All
  3. Pada app mana pun yang gratis, klik tombol GET APP
  4. Create New Account > Continue
  5. Check list “I have read and agreed to the iTunes Terms and Conditions” > Continue
  6. Isikan data pembuatan akun iTunes > Continue
  7. Pada isian “Credit card”, check list “None”
    • Note: pilihan ini hanya akan muncul jika membuat akun dari pembelian Free AppStore “GET APP” button
  8. Pada isian City, State, dan Zip Code, isikan dengan kombinasi data negara US yang benar. Contoh:
    • City: Miami
    • State: FL – FLORIDA
    • Zip Code: 33131
  9. Lanjutkan dengan mengisi data pribadi lainnya, lalu klik “Continue”.
  10. Jika anda mengisi data pribadi anda dengan tepat, iTunes akan menampilkan “Congratulations”.

Dengan ini akun Anda telah selesai dibuat dan siap pakai. Selamat menikmati.

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

Memperpanjang Kabel Usb dengan kabel UTP

Sebenernya si udh banyak tutorial mengenai ini,tapi yah tetep lumayan lah buat di posting lagi itung2 buat yang ingin tau.Heheheh seperti yg kita tau perangkat2 dengan port usb paling panjang kabelnya 1 - 2 meter sedangkan kalo beli usb extended kayanya terlalu mahal jadi diakalin
aja lebih ok dan Manstapp!!

Gambar ini adalah kabel UTP ato lebih familiar lagi disebut kabel LAN sepanjang 20 m (cukup panjang buat flashdisk anda di taruh kerumah tetangga dan CPU nya di kamar anda) hehehehe

Nah ini dia urutan warna kabel UTP yang harus kita gabungkan dgn USB (awas jgn salah menggabungkan bisa ga konek
Nah ini kabel usb (dah tau kan?)
Potong jadi 2 itu kabel usb (kalo bisa si 1/2 nya biar kalo ada apa2 masih bisa di potong lagi)

Neh urutan kabel dari USB (ntar di gabungkan dgn UTP)
Kira2 seperti ini lah jadinya setelah di sambung
Urutan sambungan -kabel orange dan orange putih UTP ke merah usb
-kabel hijau UTP ke hijau USB
-kabel hijau putih UTP ke putih USB
-sisanya seluruh kabel dari UTP di gabung ke Hitamnya USB


ini tampak atasnya

Kalo udh ok kasi pelindung pipa paralon yang 3/4 lah biar kedap aer (kali aja USB kalian mau di taroh di atas genteng hehehhehehe.

Saya rasa sekian dulu petunjuk dari saya mudah2an berguna.karena org yang berilmu adalah org yg menggunakan ilmunya untuk kebaikan org banyak

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Download PCMAV 3.0.2 Ragnarok build 3

Update Build present the user with the addition of new virus variants. For you PCMAV users are strongly advised to update immediately, so that you PCMAV can recognize and eradicate the virus more.
And to obtain and use PCMAV update, you simply run PCMAV Cleaner (PCMAV-CLN.exe), of course the computer must be in active state is connected to the Internet (non-proxy). Automatic Updates feature of PCMAV akan automatically download and update the database of PCMAV.

download here

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

PC Media Antivirus PCMAV 3.0.1 - Ragnarok April 2010

Apa saja yang baru di PCMAV versi 3.01. dengan code name Ragnarok :
  1. UPDATED! Ditambahkan database pengenal dan pembersih 60 virus lokal/ asing/varian baru yang dilaporkan menyebar di Indonesia. Total 3224 virus beserta variannya yang banyak beredar di Indonesia telah dikenal di versi 3.0.1 ini oleh core engine PCMAV.
  2. FIXED! File PCMAV.exe di-unpack untuk menghindari false alarm dari engine heuristik beberapa antivirus luar. Hasilnya, ukuran file PCMAV.exe kini lebih besar dibanding versi sebelumnya.
  3. FIXED! Fungsi klik kanan "Scan with PCMAV" kini sudah dapat berjalan dengan semestinya.
  4. FIXED! Dalam beberapa kasus muncul pesan error "GetTask/GetHandleJob". Kini telah diperbaiki.
  5. FIXED! Struktur tree-folder yang tidak mengingat pilihan sebelumnya telah diperbaiki.
  6. f. FIXED! Tulisan Valkyrie yang masih muncul telah disesuaikan.
  7. FIXED! Caption di menu Quarantine kini telah disesuaikan dengan versi baru.
  8. FIXED! File information sudah disesuaikan dengan versi baru ini.
  9. IMPROVED! Perubahan nama virus mengikuti varian baru yang ditemukan.
  10. IMPROVED! Perbaikan beberapa minor bug dan improvisasi kode internal untuk memastikan bahwa PCMAV tetap dapat menjadi antivirus kebanggaan Indonesia.

Rabu, 21 April 2010

Wang Wei - Rose & Piano (2010)

Piano, New Age
mp3 320
120 mb

Tracklist :
01. The Invisible Wings
02. Someone in the Night
03. Pretty Love in Great City
04. Still Here
05. Heart Painting
06. The Pale Moon07. Betrayal
08. Listen to the Sea
09. Youre a Song in My Heart
10. Love You Much
11. Souilful Hug
12. Can I Hold You
13. Its Said Love Came Back

Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

Tutorial Cara Pakai Rapidleech

Cara Leech 1-1 :
1. Buka site RapidLeech lo yg dkasih ma gw (ex :
2. Masukin user pass nya
3. Masukin link Rapidshare / Megaupload / Hotfile / Depositfiles / Easy-share / Netload / Filefactory / Uploading / ke "Link To Transload"
4. Klik "Transload File"
5. Server RapidLeech akan download file tersebut terlebih dahulu
6. Setelah selesai, maka akan keluar link untuk lo download
7. Download

Untuk lihat semua files yg udah kedownload :
1. Masuk ke "Server Files"

Untuk mendownload ke PC anda 1-1 :
1. Masuk ke "Server Files"
2. Klik File yg ingin anda download, atau klik kanan lalu pilih "Download With IDM" (bila anda punya IDM).

Untuk mendownload ke PC anda skaligus bnyk file :
1. Klik "Listed Files" di sebelah kiri.
2. Centang file2 yg ingin anda download.
3. Klik "Generate Link"
4. Copy link2 yg uda digenerate td ke notepad, save ke .txt
5. Buka IDM, masuk Tasks > Import > From text file
6. Pilih file notepad txt yg anda simpan td.
7. Semua link akan masuk otomatis ke IDM anda.

Untuk menghapus file :
1. Masuk ke "Server Files"
2. Centang File yg ingin dihapus.
3. Pilih Action -> Delete

Untuk melakukan Auto Download (download banyak link sekaligus) :
1. Klik "Auto Download" di sebelah kiri.
2. Masukkan link (max 20)
3. Klik "Download"
4. Klik "Start Auto Download"
5. Link akan terdownload otomatis 1-1 secara urut.

settingan klo web nya ga bisa di akses

1. Pencet Windows + R
2. Ketik notepad C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
3. Di bawah sendiri (setelah localhost), tambahkan ini :
5. Save

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Cara Setting VPN

Khusus Indosat M3
1. Create New Profile pada setingan modem hsdpa anda
2. Isikan APN :
3. Isikan username : gprs
4. Isikan password : im3
5. Klik Save
6. Download VPN di
7. Install Vpn
8. Masukkan prifile vpn anda di root direktori C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenVPN\config
9. Conect Profile di setingan modem
10. Double klik pada icon open vpn gui yang terletak pada desktop anda
11. Klik tanda komputer yg berwarna merah di bagian pojok kanan bawah taskbar setelah itu double klik
12. Masukkan username dan password yang telah diberikan
13. Tunggu sampai tanda komputer yang berwarna merah berubah menjadi hijau
14. Klik ping.bat
15. Siap dipakai untuk browsing

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

Open VPN

Program ini digunakan bagi user yang menggunakan internet dengan bantuan VPN

Tips Setting Modem GSM untuk Telkomsel

Cara Mengaktifkan Internet Gratis (untuk paket khusus) ;
1) Kartu Perdana telah aktif (4444)
2) Aktivasi layanan GPRS ( Ketik "GPRS" ke 6616 (Dikenakan pulsa)
3) Aktivasi layanan 3G atau Flash ( Ketik "Flash" ke 3636 )
4) Aktivasi bonus :

1. Ketik "Data(spasi)Bonus" kirim ke 3636.
2. Mengakses TELKOMSELFlash dengan layanan volume based atau dengan menggunakan setting APN "Internet" atau "Telkomsel"
3. Untuk mengetahui sisa bonus ketik "Data(spasi)info" kirim ke 3636.
4. Untuk mendapatkan total bonus 300Mb,bulan selama 6 bulan, pelanggan harus tetap aktif atau tidak dalam masa tenggang.

Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.3000.136

Everything new right from the start: from 1-Click Maintenance to Turbo Mode — our Power Tools simplify your Windows optimization.

Runtime GetDataBack For NTFS 4.0

Recover your data with
GetDataBack Data Recovery Software
- It's easy to use, safe, efficient and fast -
GetDataBack For NTFS

GetDataBack For FAT32

WinRAR v3.92b (x32/x64)

WinRAR is a powerful archive manager (Win32, Linux, Mac). RAR files can usually compress content by 8 percent to 15 percent more than ZIP files can. WinRAR is a powerful compression tool with many integrated additional functions to help you organize your compressed archives. It can backup your data and reduce size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format.WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression. By consistently creating smaller archives, WinRAR is often faster than the competition. This will save you disc space, transmission costs AND valuable working time as well. WinRAR is ideal for multimedia files. WinRAR automatically recognizes and selects the best compression method. The special compression algorithm compresses multimedia files, executables and object libraries particularly well.

Features of WinRAR:
- Using WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression by consistently making smaller archives than the competition, saving disk space and transmission costs.
- WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z archives.
- WinRAR offers a graphic interactive interface utilizing mouse and menus as well as the command line interface.
- WinRAR is easier to use than many other archivers with the inclusion of a special "Wizard" mode which allows instant access to the basic archiving functions through a simple question and answer procedure. This avoids confusion in the early stages of use.
- WinRAR offers you the benefit of industry strength archive encryption using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with a key of 128 bits.
- WinRAR supports files and archives up to 8,589 billion gigabytes in size. The number of archived files is, for all practical purposes, unlimited.
- WinRAR offers the ability to create selfextracting and multivolume archives.
Recovery record and recovery volumes allow to reconstruct even physically damaged archives.
- WinRAR features are constantly being developed to keep WinRAR ahead of the pack.

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

Adobe Reader 9.3.0

A software that lets you view and print Portable Document Format (PDF) files

Adobe Acrobat Reader is free, and freely distributable software that lets you view and print Portable Document Format (PDF) files.

Adobe Reader software is the global standard for electronic document sharing. It is the only PDF file viewer that can open and interact with all PDF documents. Use Adobe Reader to view, search, digitally sign, verify, print, and collaborate on Adobe PDF files.

Adobe Reader® software lets you view, print, and search PDF files on a variety of devices and operating systems with faster launch time and real-time zooming and panning. You can use Adobe Reader to read, interact with, and printPortable Document Format (PDF) files generated by such applications as the Adobe Acrobat® family of products, Adobe Photoshop® Album, and more. Acrobat Reader also lets you fill in and submit PDF forms online. And when enabled by Acrobat Professional authors, you can now leverage robust commenting tools and actively participate in document reviews.

2000/XP/Vista/2008/ 7

Senin, 11 Januari 2010

Portable Partition Magic 8.0

Key Technologies
• Partitions hard drive
• Create, resize, copy partitions
• Run multiple operating systems

• Divides hard drive into two or more partitions
• Runs multiple operating systems on the same PC
• BootMagic™ makes it easy to switch between operating systems
• Copy, move, resize, split, or merge partitions
• Guides you through the partitioning process
• Easy to find, copy and paste files in both Windows® and Linux® partitions
• Create and modify partitions up to 300GB*
• Supports USB 2.0, USB 1.1, and FireWire® external drives**
• Supports and converts partitions among FAT, FAT32, NTFS, Ext2, and Ext3 file systems
• Enlarge an NTFS partition without restarting computer
• Resizes NTFS system clusters to the most effective size

ACDSee Pro 3.0.1228 Final MULTILANG

ACDSee Pro 3.0.1228 Final MULTILANG l 52 Mb

Experience Portable ACDSee Pro 3 - the best value in photography software
• Quickly browse, organize, and find images on your computer
• Easily import photos from your camera, card reader, scanner and other devices
• View your images – from JPEG to RAW – in full size at unrivaled speeds
• Process images with dynamic, non-destructive adjustments and fine-tune at the pixel level
• Easily publish and and store images online

Experience photography without barriers! Discover ACDSee Pro Photo Manager, the most powerful software platform for viewing, processing, editing, organizing and publishing your photos. ACDSee Pro is a single platform where professional photographers view, process, edit, organize, catalog, publish and archive their growing digital photo collections. With the flexibility and control offered by ACDSee Pro 3, you can manage your images the way that works best for you. No need to adapt your workflow to fit the cookie-cutter cataloging imposed by other photo applications.ACDSee Pro is built to help you save time in all the key steps of yourworkflow . Each of the four modes - Manage, View, Process, Online – groups the tools that you commonly use during that particular step of yourworkflow.ACDSee Pro empowers you to view, process, edit, organize, catalog, publish, and archive your photo collections with precision and control. View your RAW images with lightning-fast image previews and support for most RAW formats from DSLR cameras. Get support for IPTC core fields with XMP. Shift time stamps on multiple images at once. Compare up to four images side by side.Known as the best workflow manager for today’s photographers, ACDSee Pro has grown to become a valuable tool for quickly processing the ever-expanding variety of RAW formats from digital camera manufacturers, especially for the new generation of DSLRs. With a distinguished pedigree as the Internet’s first and fastest image browser, ACDSee has helped photographers view, edit and share images quickly and easily for more than 15 years.

ACDSee Pro streamlines your workflow and increases productivity. It empowers you to view, process, edit, organize, catalog, publish, and archive your photo collections with precision and control. View your RAW images with lightning-fast image previews and support for most RAW formats from DSLR cameras. Get support for IPTC core fields with XMP. Shift timestamps on multiple images at once. Compare up to four images side by side

• Browse your collection instantly with ACDSee Pro 3. Unlike other photo applications, you don’t need to spend valuable time importing files that are already on your computer and connected devices. Simply openACDSee Pro 3 to access your folders and files live, in real time.
• Organize files using custom categories, keywords, ratings, IPTC/EXIF/XMP metadata and more.
• Be productive right away with up front import, renaming and categorizing of your new image files from your camera and other devices.
• Quickly tag your images for further processing.
• Perform sophisticated searches to quickly find any photo, and save them for ongoing use.
• Manage over 100 different file types.
• View all your images – from JPEG to RAW – with the fastest viewing technology on the market.
• Organize files as you review them - categorize, rate, and add metadata using the Properties pane.
• Experience the combined power of ACDSee Pro 3's non-destructive image development technology and precise pixel-level editor in one seamless environment.
• Perfect the exposure, color, clarity and geometry of your photos in the Develop sub-mode
• Boost saturation without affecting skin tones with the new Vibrance slider
• Fine-tune select areas, repair pixels, and add creative effects and watermarks in the Edit sub-mode.
• Save time by globally adjusting hundreds of photos at once - including RAW files - with batch tools.
• Copy photos and folders to your free* online account with a simple drag and drop interface.
• Organize images online as easily as you do on your desktop, using a folder tree structure.
• Create password-protected albums to share with clients or public albums to showcase to the world.
